Tun-tuna tales....
It did arrive today. The idea of free in-network calling appealed to me, and I was looking forward to it.After a midterm break, I unwrapped it, and checked out the polyphonic ringtones and other features. In a few hours, the number porting would work, and I would have the same number, lots of more free minutes, plus free calling to the people I most often call. This was my idea of the perfect cell phone plan.
But then, it did not work. I could either have the number, or the plan. Not both. I was perplexed. Which brought home another truth. I , as a person, tend to resist change. The idea of giving out new numbers to all my friends and contacts, did not appeal to me. I had a thousand different thoughts running all over my mind. The idea of switching over to a non-local number wasn't too inviting. I tried to think of ways to avert it. Plus, this number had a nostalgic feeling to it... all those calls, all those interviews....
Stop it. I told myself. Change is inevitable. You accept it and move on. Or lose out. Embrace change and get on with it. Welcome to my life, America's largest cellular network !!
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